Silvia Siberini

Director, The Pavilion On The Water

Silvia Siberini (1980), graduated in Philosophy and History and in Oriental Culture and Civilization, specialized in Japanese language. She works and deepens her studies in comparative philosophy in Latin America, India and Japan. Since 2001 she has collaborated with Italian artists in the field of visual arts (wall paintings, photography, documentaries, publishing) and has been involved in the production and distribution of animations with important international results. She works and deepens her studies in comparative philosophy in Latin America, India and Japan. Since 2005 she has taken part in numerous cultural projects in the philosophical field, having the opportunity to meet some of the most important exponents of contemporary philosophical and scientific culture (Emanuele Severino, Remo Bodei, Carlo Sini, Edoardo Boncinelli, Enrico Berti, Massimo DonĂ , Pier Luigi Luisi, Michel Bitbol).