Pancho Pescador

Visual Artist and Muralist

Pancho Pescador is a visual artist and muralist from Chile. He attended Escuela de Bellas Artes in Valparaiso and Viña del Mar, where he was introduced to printmaking and other mediums. Due to his interest in printmaking, in 1995, he joined a cooperative of printmakers, Taller de Artes Visuales (TAV), in Santiago, Chile. In 1995, Pescador immigrated to the Bay Area and it is here where he develops a passion for street art. Soon after, he begins to work on public art projects, primarily through murals. In 2003, Pescador and other Chilean artists and intellectuals from the Bay Area found the 9-11 Squared Collective, a group dedicated to raising awareness about the complex relationships between the United States, Chile and other Latin American countries. In 2009, Peskador became an active member of Community Rejuvenation Project (CRP). Together they painted more than 200 murals in the Bay Area, Chicago, Seattle, Germany, Chile, Thailand and New Mexico. He is also part of “Los Pobres Artistas” a collective of painters, mostly from Chile, that founded and organized the first “Bay Area Mural Festival” this past year in Berkeley- Oakland border. Peskador’s works have been featured in Movies, Serials, Music videos, The New York Times, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, KQED, Chilean Media, and other independent media. He also has many art pieces in collections around the world.