Francesca Molteni

Director, Green Over Gray: Emilio Ambasz

Francesca Molteni graduated in Philosophy at the University of Milan, studied Film Production at New York University. Since 2002, she produces and directs documentaries, tv formats, videos, and curates design exhibitions. In 2009 she founded MUSE Factory of Projects in Milan. In 2012 she received the Award for Innovation by the President of the Italian Republic, the Compasso d’Oro honorable mention, and the Cathay Pacific Award for women entrepreneurs. She contributes to La Repubblica, D and Door; she’s the author of the book Oggetti d’impresa [Objects of Enterprise], and a member of the Board of Directors of MuseoCity. She documented the 2016 US election for La Casa Bianca [The White House], Rai3. Among the latest films: SuperDesign. Italian Radical Design 1965-75, The Power of the Archive. Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Aldo Rossi Design, Green Over Gray. Emilio Ambasz, and We The Others, the documentary dedicated to the life and career of the Brasilian designers Humberto and Fernando Campana.