Ada Karmi-Melamede
Annette Insdorf
Film Professor, Columbia University
Beatrice Minger
Director, E.1027 – Eileen Gray and the House by the Sea
Bruce Heavin
Clifford Pearson
Contributing Editor, Architectural Record
Elena Baenninger
Senior Cultural Officer, Consulate General of Switzerland in New York
Francesca Molteni
Director, Green Over Gray: Emilio Ambasz
Gabrille Esperdy
Dean of the Hillier College of Architecture and Design, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Gregg Goggin
Director, The House: 6 Points of Departure
Jack Murphy
Executive Editor, The Architect's Newspaper
Jake Gorst
Director, New England Modernism: Revolutionary Architecture in the 20th Century
Jim Venturi
Director, Stardust: The Story of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
Kelly Anderson
Director, Emergent City & Rabble Rousers: Frances Goldin and the Fight for Cooper Square
Laurie Olin
Landscape Architect, Olin
Lynda Weinman
Martin Filler
Architectural Historian & Critic
Robin Donaldson
Architect, Donaldson + Partners
Romullo Baratto
ArchDaily Project Manager
Silvia Siberini
Director, The Pavilion On The Water
Stefano Croci
Director, The Pavilion On The Water
Susan Goggin
Production Manager, The House: 6 Points of Departure
Yael Melamede
Director, Ada – My Mother the Architect