ADFF / ADFF:Chicago / Speakers
Chicago Speakers
Danny Berish
Director, Arthur Erickson: Beauty Between the Lines
Q&A - Arthur Erickson: Beauty Between the Lines
Robin Donaldson
Founding Partner, Donaldson + Partners
Q&A - This Is Not A House
Valentina Ganeva
Director, Schindler Space Architect
Q&A - Schindler Space Architect
Ryan Mah
Director, Arthur Erickson: Beauty Between the Lines
Director, Arthur Erickson: Beauty Between the Lines
Yael Melamede
Director, Ada – My Mother the Architect
Q&A - Ada – My Mother the Architect
Gina Angelone
Director, Sitting Still
Q&A - Sitting Still
Jim Venturi
Director, Stardust: The Story of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
Q&A - Stardust: The Story of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
Akira Boch
Boris Bertram
Jane Chun
DeWitt Davis
Technical Director
Ian Stewart
Box Office Manager
Scott Albers
Creative Consultant
Higgin Ko
Montgomery Mauro
ADFF:LA Operations Manager
Emma Bergman
Festival Coordinator
Fred Schmidt-Arenales
Technical Director